Understanding Exchange Listings in Crypto: A Message from jr00t, CEO of GraphLinq Chain

Saying things like 'When Binance' Often written as 'Wen Binance' or 'When will it be listed on Binance?' is not helpful.

Understanding Exchange Listings in Crypto: A Message from jr00t, CEO of GraphLinq Chain
Photo by Scott Graham / Unsplash

Hey there,

It's jr00t, CEO of GraphLinq Chain, and today I want to dive into a topic that's been on many minds lately: exchange listings in the crypto world. Specifically, I want to address why bombarding project teams with questions like "When Binance?" or "When will it be listed on Binance?" isn't productive and can actually harm the project's progress.

Let's start with a crucial point: asking about exchange listings, especially specific ones like Binance, on platforms such as Telegram, Discord, or Twitter, doesn't add any value to the conversation. In fact, it can be detrimental to the project's reputation and development.

One major reason for this is the strict non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) that projects enter into when discussing potential listings with exchanges. If a project were in talks with a major exchange like Binance, team members would be legally bound by NDAs and prohibited from discussing it publicly. Breaking an NDA could jeopardize the entire listing process, which is something no project wants.

So, when you see messages like "Wen Binance?" or "GLQ When will it be listed on Binance?" know that no team member can provide a credible answer. If someone claims to have inside information about an upcoming listing, it's likely untrue. Exchanges take NDAs seriously, and any new listing announcement will come directly from the exchange first, not the project team.

Here's the process: when a project is set to be listed on an exchange, the exchange makes the official announcement. Only after that announcement can the project share the news with its community. This ensures transparency, compliance, and a smooth listing process for everyone involved.

At GraphLinq Chain, we value transparency and focus on delivering real value to our community. While we understand the excitement around exchange listings, we encourage our supporters to engage in discussions that contribute meaningfully to our ecosystem's growth.

So, let's shift the conversation to topics like project developments, use cases, community initiatives, and the innovative solutions we're building together. That's where the real value lies for us all.

Thank you for understanding, and let's keep moving forward in a positive and constructive manner.